Michael Burry sammenligner nuværende bankuro med panik over 1907 — Fremhæver markedsbunden

Michael Burry, a hedge fund manager renowned for predicting the 2008 finansielle krise, has drawn parallels between the current banking turmoil and the Panic of 1907. He noted that three weeks after J.P. Morgan made a stand, the panic was resolved

'Big Short'-investor Michael Burry advarer om endnu en inflationsstigning - forventer, at USA er 'i recession uanset definition'

Hedgefondsforvalter Michael Burry, berømt for at forudsige 2008 finansielle krise, says inflation has peaked in the U.S. but there will be another inflation spike. He expects the U.S. economy to be in a recessionby any definition.Michael Burry’s

'Big Short'-investor Michael Burry advarer om forlænget flerårig recession i USA

Hedgefondsforvalter Michael Burry, berømt for at forudsige 2008 finansielle krise, has warned aboutan extended multi-year recession” i U.S.A. He believes there isn’t a strategy to pull us out ofthis real recession.Michael Burry’s Recession Warning Famous

Deutsche Bank forventer hurtigere, Mere alvorlig amerikansk recession, da Fed tager 'aggressiv vandresti'

Deutsche Bank has updated its recession forecast. Banken’s economists now seean earlier and somewhat more severe recessionthan previously predicted. “The Fed has undertaken a more aggressive hiking path, financial conditions have tightened sharply and economic data are beginning

Goldman Sachs-præsident advarer om 'hidtil usete' økonomiske chok og hårdere tider forude

Global investment bank Goldman Sachspresident and chief operating officer has warned of unprecedented economic shocks and tougher times ahead. His statement echoes JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimons warning that ahurricaneis coming our way. Goldman Sachs Presidents Warning About the

'Big Short'-investor Michael Burry advarer om truende forbrugerrecession, Flere indtjeningsproblemer

Hedgefondsforvalter Michael Burry, berømt for at forudsige 2008 finansielle krise, har advaret om en truende forbrugerrecession og flere indtjeningsproblemer. Han citerede faldende U.S. personal savings and record-setting revolving credit card debt despite trillions of dollars in stimulus